Do what works for you. You shouldn't have to look a certain way, weigh a certain amount or act a certain way just to fit in or get what you want. The only way you will get anywhere or become successful is your personality. You know, the girl who talks to herself or makes faces in the mirror all alone? That girl. That girl will get you farther than you can ever image. That's the girl people admire and fall in love with. Who shows personality more than the VS PINK girls?!
So Fun. |
Corky |
Gurlz. |
Everything is meant to be and wherever you're supposed to be, life will lead you in that direction when it's ready.
Have a passion, an inspiration and a desire to want something so bad. So bad that you feel like you can't get through your day without thinking about it or taking steps towards achieving.
** MUUUUAH ** |
Motivation is a powerful and amazing feeling.
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