Thursday, December 27, 2012


Don't know what you want to do in your future? THAT'S OK.  I hear it everyday from friends and it kills me because I believe that everyone can be literally ANYTHING they want to be, do ANYTHING they want to do.

I think people sit back and wait for something great to happen to them or something to come upon them for their future.  You have to bust your ass for what you want.  I haven't achieved all of these goals of mine without chasing after them.  It's literally the greatest feeling to cross off that goal on your notebook and be living in the dream you always dreamt.

No I haven't accomplished everything on my list or everything I want in life.  I never will because the list only grows and grows and grows.  We have one life to live.  Think about that for a second.  It's ours, not anyone else's; so stop doing what others want you to do and go for what YOU want.

I always say this:  life is way too short to not go after what you want.  There's no blueprint on how you're supposed to live your life.  Create your own blueprint and live it up.  Strive to be great.  To be great you have to follow in the steps of someone who has what you want, who you believe is great.

Greatness is not in the G.P.A, the degree or the resume of someone, it's their accomplishments and passion for a life they want to live.  Passion, motivation, strive, dedication, drive and focus is the only mindset to have.  Wake up in the morning and ask yourself. "is this how you want to spend your last day", if it's a no, then MAKE A CHANGE to make it the best last day.

"Imagine you had everything you wanted, everything.  Imagine you were everything you wanted to be, and capture that feeling.  That's the easiest way to manifest what you want."  -- Big Sean

Nothing in your life can change unless you MAKE A CHANGE.
xx lo

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Decide where you want to make and make a decision and run for it.  Our path is laid out for us, all we have to do is start running.  Chase what ever it is that you want to be a reality.  Sitting around daydreaming and literally saying, for example, "I can't wait to be rich", is not going to get you rich.  Figuring out exactly where you want and need to be in 1, 5 or even 10 years is a tool for achieving your goals.

The one thing that a lot of people get upset about is that there is no one there with them, supporting them.  Support comes from the ones who believe in you and have faith that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.  The ones who you thought may be there and aren't, probably aren't your true support system.

Why waste your time around the people who don't believe in you and who don't see the world like you do?  That causes a tough relationship when you're so passionate about what you're doing and your "support" doesn't get it, it doesn't click for them.  And that's ok.  I'm not saying to cut them out forever, they just don't see everything the way you do.

Find the ones who you can share all of your excitement, achievements, goals and passions with, those are the ones who last.  They get you, they get where you're coming from, they get where you want to be and they KNOW you can.  Surrounding yourself with positive energy and people makes the WORLD of a difference and keeps you positive and driven.

"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."~Nora Roberts

Keep the negativity outside, it's a disease.

Friday, December 21, 2012


When times get tough, people get discouraged.  When things don't go your way, you get upset.  When life throws you curveballs, you move out of the way.

Stop running from what it attracting you.  Everything and everyone is in your life for a reason.  That one tiny occurrence can change your whole future.  Why question fate?  Pursue something different.  There's no point in running from changes.  People live day-to-day with their normal routine which makes me sick.  Quit living and start creating.

Big Sean has been one of my biggest inspirations lately and he says, " Damn near anything we can think is real, and if it's not, we can create it.  See that's the gift we were given... to evolve, advance, create.  I create my own world, I can make any situation reality."

Most people listen and care what others think.  WHY??? They aren't going to help you get to your dream.  Quit listening to downers and start listening to people who have what you want.  It's so simple. You can't take life for granted when you have the whole world in your hands.


It's not there until you see it happen.
xx lo

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I always talk about chasing your dreams and going after what you want in life.  I never really talk about how to get there.  How can you create a way to literally be living your dream?  Simple.  Write down every single goal or desire you wish you achieve and make it happen.

Writing down your goals are 100% effective. Before I moved to LA, one night I sat in my dorm room halfway through freshman year at ASU and decided I wanted to make a change.  Biggest party school in the nation, I was in a sorority, and I still wanted to find a way out.  Everyone was stuck in their routine, not making any success for themselves.

 I wrote all my goals down on a piece of paper and pinned it above my desk so that whenever I was on my computer so that I saw what standard I was holding myself to.  I stopped going out, I focused more, I went to the gym because I knew what I needed to do, to get to where I wanted to be.  I wanted to be in Los Angeles as a full time model by June --6 months away.  I didn't tell any of my friends because I didn't want to be all talk.  It was happening no matter what.

Guess what?  June 3rd I was moving into my new studio apartment in the Valley of LA, with my best friend.  I got up and moved.  I was a full time model.  Literally, living my dream, it was like  daydreaming in itself, each and every day.    Like, who walks outside of their apartment and is standing on Sunset Blvd?  Really really cool.  Still, then all I wanted to do was help others and inspire.

It kills me to see people sit around going through their daily routine.  Kills me.  When you write goals down, they're concrete. Permanent, like you can't erase the led and rewrite it a month from now.  What's the point in setting that goal in the first place?  "Oh, I'm  starting my diet tomorrow" "I'll go to the gym tomorrow" "I'll make the decision.....tomorrow".  NO.  How can you achieve anything when they're always an excuse that "someday" you'll do it.

xx Lo

Literally SEE IT.

These are the three quotes I wrote down for my "Goal For Summer 2011" which truly helped:

"Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms carry out your plan."

"Write it down.  Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; can't into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality.  Don't just think it -- ink it!"

"Try.  Make mistake.  Learn.
  Try better.  Make mistake.  Fail.  Learn.
  Try better still.  Make mistake.  Fail.  Learn.
                   Repeat until...
                   Try. Succeed.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Make A Difference

Stress, school, goals & lack of motivation?  Everyone has something that is draining them and putting them down.  School and finals are stressful.  Not knowing what you want to do when you graduate, is stressful.  Personal goals with money, weight, future, whatever it may be... MAKE A CHANGE.

People are scared of change because they don't like to get out of their comfort zone.  But like Kenny Chesney said, "I can't see this world unless I go, outside my comfort zone".  Why are you stuck where you are?  Why don't you see yourself succeeding?  Why can't you go on that diet?  All of this is a LIFESTYLE.

Changes happen when there is a motivation or inspiration pushing them to succeed and achieve only the best.  Don't start TOMORROW or SOMEDAY.  Someday is not a day.  Make it happen and make that one decision to change something in your life for the positive, TODAY.

If you believe, you will achieve.  
Find what motivates you to get up everyday with a smile.
xx Lo   

Monday, December 10, 2012

Believe It

Recently, I've been introduced and lucky enough to have an amazing opportunity come my way.  Sounds cliche, but this is sort-of everything I've been hoping to cross my path.   I always talk about inspiring others and being motivated, but this time, I'm inspired and motivated.

I've been insanely busy since I've moved back to Arizona and let me tell you, it has opened my eyes more than ever.  I was drained and sick and tired of being sick and tired in LA.  LA... the City of Dreams, right?!  YES.  Los Angeles is truly the most amazing place I have been lucky enough to experience and has led me into the direction on how I want to live my life.  Carefree and with hope.

I loved seeing my friends going after their dreams, but I was sick of seeing them trading their time for money.  That is what happened to me, I traded my time for money.  Clocked in and clocked out and busted my butt at a job I got paid 10$ an hour for.  No one is worth $8, $10, or even $15/hr.  Don't get me wrong, I was lucky enough to have a job in that crazy town and met some of the most amazing people and connections there.

Moving back to Arizona working three jobs and being a full time student has been insanely busy!  All of the little classes I'm taking and jobs I'm working as a server and assistant have made me realize that after living in LA, CONNECTIONS AND NETWORKING IS EVERYTHING!!! It's not what you know, it's WHO you know.

Don't be afraid to hang around a new crowd or open your mind up a little.  This world is crazy and I'm blessed to have inspiring and motivated friends and family surrounding me.

"It's time to stop dreaming and start chasing"

Take a chance, I doubt you'll regret it.
xxx LO