Friday, May 4, 2012

Driven? Prove It

It may seem like I always post about the same stuff.... inspired, passion, live life to the fullest, but day-to-day I get so frustrated.  I see & meet so many people that have so much potential and "drive", but they don't do ANYTHING about it.

You wanna be an actor?? TAKE CLASSES & AUDITION.  You wanna do good in school?? STUDY!  You wanna have a successful career?? HAVE PASSION & GO FOR IT!

All talk and no action is completely a turn off.  When you're putting out false advertisement for yourself, it's unattractive.  If you really want something you have to go and get it.  I'm sick of coming across people that I know could have a great future & just throw it away by not trying.

Now, aside from all that bothers me... I still have so much respect for the people I see trying & doing.  No one gets anywhere by just talking.  I won't believe you until you show me with your actions.  I love being surrounded by the people who are inspiring & know what they want.  Driven, in love with, ambitious, motivated & obsessed with their passion.  It's so inspiring to hang out with and converse with people who go after their dreams.

I always try to motivate others & push them to go for what they want.  Pursue what you are passionate about and never let ANYONE tell you that you can't do it.  Because guess what?? If you really want it, you'll do it & you'll do WHATEVER it takes to get there.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason -- so cliché right?? Ya maybe, but it's the truth & just remember that you're more enjoyable to be around when you are driven. 

Be you & go after it.
xx L. Lostumo

Here are a few of things that have been going on!

Below are some new digitals I just did.

Natural --Digital

Below is a new shoot I did with Mikel Roberts. -- LOVE HIM!

Mikel Roberts

Mikel Roberts

Recent Trips! 



My little sis/best friend went to prom!
She's always been by my side & always will, love you T.

*Have a dream, there should never any regrets with something you love*

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