The most anticipated time of the year is right around the corner! (other than our birthdays). Thanksgiving is only a few days away and Christmas is a month! Crazy how time flies. This time of the year marks one year when I made the biggest decision of my life yet. Moving to Los Angeles to go after my dream. Winter break last year I sat down and wrote all my goals & actions I would take to get there.
Christmas at The Grove in LA |
Moving out to a brand new state at the age of 18 is a scary thought, but so far it's been an amazing experience! Yes, I miss my home (Arizona), family and friends so so much. There are times I think I may want to come home, but I know that until I get to where I want I'm not stopping. I have met a few amazing people out here and couldn't image this big scary city without them.
Having the holidays only a few days away and only a 6 hour car ride home gets me anxious to spend some quality friend and family time. After all Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday of the year... okay, well my favorite food holiday of the year ;) nom nom. Waking up to your family on the couch with a cup of coffee watching the Macy's Day Parade, that's always my Thanksgiving morning.
Macy's Day Parade |
I am so thankful for the people that I have in my life and the ones who have continued to stay in my life throughout everything. Thankful for the support my family and friends have for me and they have never stopped believing in me. I can't wait to reunite with the people that mean most to me :) Have a happy Thanksgiving and Christmas and never stop giving thanks for everything you have been given and blessed with.
Family |
Forever |
the best |
<3 |
My boys |
little sissy |
since 7th grade <3 |
momdot |
What are you thankful for?