Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hold Them Close

"Everyone is in your life for a lesson or a blessing"  The first time a good friend told me that I realized that I have had so many lessons and blessings in the past year.  It's hard to learn the lessons but it teaches you something valuable.  Sometimes you may think everything is perfect & then one day it can all come crashing down (or may seem that way), but that is just a hurdle.  No one deserves to be taken advantage of, having their feelings & emotions messed with and feel any less than they aren't.  Can't let anyone knock you down or take advantage of the person who you are because of their own insecurities.

Take charge of your life & attract the people and opportunities into your life.  You are given one life, LIVE IT, don't just exist.  Many people just go through life & go through the motions, no motivation or drive for anything.  Life is so exciting when you have something that you're passionate about.  Don't be afraid to go after it... create it.  You can create your own reality.  Find something to be passionate and driven about.

Hold your passion close to your heart and don't lose your grip on it.  It's special.  When you find something special, don't hesitate.  No opportunity should ever be wasted.  Do what makes you happy & do it for you, no one else.

Never change who you are.

time always will tell.