Saturday, March 2, 2013


I've realized something lately and that is that you have to put yourself ahead of everyone else.  It's YOUR life.  Make yourself a priority. Make your goals & dreams a priority.  There is not enough time to let others get in your way or distract you.

Find the people who believe in the same ideas as you, find people who are positive & desire the same as you.  Let your faith be bigger than your fear.  You can't see faith with your eyes, you have to believe. Whatever energy you put out in the universe is what you'll attract. 

"To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful.  To attract committed people, you must be committed.  Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself.  If you become, you can attract."

Take control of your life or else someone else will take control.  Even though sometimes things get tough or you want to quit, let that push you even harder to get what you want.  You deserve to have everything you desire in life.  Work for it & make it happen.  Good things don't come to those who wait around, they come to those who work for it & execute their actions.  Actions speak a lot louder than words & talk is cheap.

Lead by example & get yourself to where you want to be.
