I want it. As bad as I want to breath.
Sounds extreme. Honestly, you have a dream, goal or vision... how bad to do you
really REALLY want it?? What are you doing to get there? Who are you modeling yourself after? What is your driving force? How are you spending your 24 hours in a day to get there?
All of these questions are what you should ask yourself when you say "you want it". Quit talking and start acting. We all know that actions speak a lot louder than words. Don't talk about how bad you
want it, don't talk about how rich you're going to be
someday, the car you're going to drive
someday, or the life you're
going to live. Take action and execute your words and visions. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
You have 24 hours in a day. What are you going to do in those hours to take your dreams and goals a step further? What are you going to do to get
that much closer? Think about it. Really think about what you do in your day-to-day routine... is it productive? Is it improving yourself? Is it getting you to where you want to be?? If no, then reevaluate where you're at and what you
really want.
People say they would sleep all day if they could and to me that completely BLOWS MY MIND. We have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 365 days in a year and an unknown amount of years that we are here. If our time is unknown then spend it wisely! Take advantage of everyday! SOMEDAY IS NOT A DAY IN THE WEEK.
The first part of a goal is a NOUN, about knowing. When you say you have a goal, the first part is sitting down and writing all your ideas. A noun is a person, place or thing... be careful when you name stuff... it doesn't come to life, it's not real until you name it.. if you don't give it a name it doesn't really exist. -E.T.
create your own reality. |