Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hold Them Close

"Everyone is in your life for a lesson or a blessing"  The first time a good friend told me that I realized that I have had so many lessons and blessings in the past year.  It's hard to learn the lessons but it teaches you something valuable.  Sometimes you may think everything is perfect & then one day it can all come crashing down (or may seem that way), but that is just a hurdle.  No one deserves to be taken advantage of, having their feelings & emotions messed with and feel any less than they aren't.  Can't let anyone knock you down or take advantage of the person who you are because of their own insecurities.

Take charge of your life & attract the people and opportunities into your life.  You are given one life, LIVE IT, don't just exist.  Many people just go through life & go through the motions, no motivation or drive for anything.  Life is so exciting when you have something that you're passionate about.  Don't be afraid to go after it... create it.  You can create your own reality.  Find something to be passionate and driven about.

Hold your passion close to your heart and don't lose your grip on it.  It's special.  When you find something special, don't hesitate.  No opportunity should ever be wasted.  Do what makes you happy & do it for you, no one else.

Never change who you are.

time always will tell.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


I've realized something lately and that is that you have to put yourself ahead of everyone else.  It's YOUR life.  Make yourself a priority. Make your goals & dreams a priority.  There is not enough time to let others get in your way or distract you.

Find the people who believe in the same ideas as you, find people who are positive & desire the same as you.  Let your faith be bigger than your fear.  You can't see faith with your eyes, you have to believe. Whatever energy you put out in the universe is what you'll attract. 

"To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful.  To attract committed people, you must be committed.  Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself.  If you become, you can attract."

Take control of your life or else someone else will take control.  Even though sometimes things get tough or you want to quit, let that push you even harder to get what you want.  You deserve to have everything you desire in life.  Work for it & make it happen.  Good things don't come to those who wait around, they come to those who work for it & execute their actions.  Actions speak a lot louder than words & talk is cheap.

Lead by example & get yourself to where you want to be.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Capture It

Don't let the minutes, hours, days, weeks & years pass by you.  Make the most of this life you have and don't be afraid of the opportunities that come your way.  No time to sit back and watch everything happen, take control and make the decision.  It may be scary, but the experience is worth more than anything.  The scary part would be to let the opportunity pass you by and you "what-if" yourself to death.

When you have positive vibes always around you, it makes it that much easier to chase.  The negative energy is just a block in your road.  The road you are running down to chase your goals and catch your dreams.  There may be bumps in the road, but those are just hurdles... keep running.

Change your thoughts to "I wish" to " I WILL".  Whatever energy and thoughts you put out into the world, that's the energy and result you'll attract.  Positive thoughts come a long way.  Dream to achieve what you once thought was impossible.  Nothing is impossible unless you don't take action.  If you do nothing to get there then yes, it's impossible.  But there's a reason the word "possible" is in the word imPOSSIBLE.

Live for yourself and star chasing.
xx lo

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

As Bad As You Want To Breath

I want it. As bad as I want to breath.

Sounds extreme.  Honestly,  you have a dream, goal or vision... how bad to do you really REALLY want it??  What are you doing to get there?  Who are you modeling yourself after?  What is your driving force?  How are you spending your 24 hours in a day to get there?

All of these questions are what you should ask yourself when you say "you want it".  Quit talking and start acting.  We all know that actions speak a lot louder than words.  Don't talk about how bad you want it, don't talk about how rich you're going to be someday, the car you're going to drive someday, or the life you're going to live.  Take action and execute your words and visions.  If it was easy, everyone would do it.

You have 24 hours in a day.  What are you going to do in those hours to take your dreams and goals a step further?  What are you going to do to get that much closer?  Think about it. Really think about what you do in your day-to-day routine... is it productive?  Is it improving yourself?  Is it getting you to where you want to be??  If no, then reevaluate where you're at and what you really want.

People say they would sleep all day if they could and to me that completely BLOWS MY MIND.  We have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 365 days in a year and an unknown amount of years that we are here.  If our time is unknown then spend it wisely!  Take advantage of everyday!  SOMEDAY IS NOT A DAY IN THE WEEK.

The first part of a goal is a NOUN, about knowing.  When you say you have a goal, the first part is sitting down and writing all your ideas.  A noun is a person, place or thing... be careful when you name stuff... it doesn't come to life, it's not real until you name it.. if you don't give it a name it doesn't really exist.   -E.T.

create your own reality.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Fuel To Your Fire

Everyone has been told "no" before.  The 'no' people have no ambition, drive or belief.

I've been told that I could never do a lot of the things that I have already accomplished in my short life.  Every person who has put me down or said I can't make it happen has inspired me to push even harder.  The person who says that you can't, has no dreams and has no ambition in life.  They don't see what you see and that's ok.

In high school, yes I had a great group of friends, awesome four years and the best support from my family, but there were those few people who continuously put me down.  It's frustrating and hard to get past, but I had to realize that this is my life and why am I going to let their negative thoughts dictate what I think about myself.  NO.  I used their negativity to fuel my fire, to get me EXACTLY where I wanted to be, and i did.

I moved to Los Angeles and chased my dream, chased my dream to model in LA with some of the most experienced people in the industry.  It was the hardest, best, scariest, motivating, humbling and fulfilling experience I have ever done.  I never wanted to 'what-if' myself to death, school will always be there... this opportunity won't.

Yes, I'm back here at home in Arizona, but do you think that means I've given up or quit??  You're out of your mind if you just thought 'yes'.  This is only the beginning.  That was my prelude to the novel I have for my entire life.  Just watch.

People are afraid of a lot of things, but the only thing I'm afraid of is not succeeding and chasing my dreams.  Life is too short to let it pass you by, you've got to trust in the end result.  Why go through the motions when you have a whole life ahead of you??   Go out, get off your butt and get EXACTLY what you want.  What do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing.

Take the focus off of yourself for just a minute and think about the people you want to inspire, motivate and get them to go after their dreams.  Quit talking about 'what you wish you could do' or 'what you want to do' and MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Figure it out and do literally whatever it takes.

You have to literally see where you want to be a year, 5 and 10 years from now.  Visualize what you want.  No one believes anything can happen until they see it or until it happens to them or their family. Don't let life pass you by, don't waste a day.. make the absolute best of everyday.  Wake up and tell yourself what you're going to do to make it the best day possible and go to sleep and be thankful for the fulfilling and awesome day you just had and how it was successful for your future, whatever it may be.

There will be haters, but who cares what they think.  It's your life, do what you want and create your own reality.

xx lo

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I just wanted to do a quick shout out to all of the young people out there who believe in themselves, who have a dream.  The most powerful thing we have in our lives is dreams.  From that dream all we have to do is execute and chase that dream.  Whatever it may be... sports, health, money or future... YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY.

Stay true to you.  Quit caring what other people think!  Other people's opinion DO NOT matter, it's YOUR life, live it the way you see it.  See it, literally close your eyes and see where you want to be.  When you see your goals, dreams and visions, that's when the motivation comes in to play and you need to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Believe in yourself.  If you don't believe in yourself then no one else can believe in you.  Your only fear should be to not be able to succeed, succeed at your goal or dream.

"Nothing good ever comes out of being afraid or a situation, no matter how crazy it is.  Instead of letting my fears scare me or enable me, I let them motivate me, inspire me by getting past them and crushing them." --Big Sean

Look with eyes of faith.
xxx lo


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Trust In The End Result

Do you have a hard trusting people or ideas you have for yourself in life?  So do I.

I have always had a hard time trusting friends, guys and trusting the bigger picture.  I never wanted to get too close to someone because of the simple fact of getting hurt.  No one wants to be hurt in the result of being open putting your all into someone or something.

Recently, my life has changed a lot.  New friends, new goals and new passions.  I have so many places I want to go and so many things I want to accomplish.  I can't let anyone hold me back from what I want to do.  It's MY life, and I only have one life to live.  With that one life I have to live, I'm going to do everything possible to get to exactly where I want to be.

You can't let others dictate you into doing something "normal".  Normal sucks.  Normal is a disease.  Why be normal when you are a human being?  We should be able to do anything we want with no one telling us otherwise.

I have dreams, goals and a drive to get exactly where I want.  I'm going to take this year and from now on to chase, chase, chase until I am in the place I want to be.  I will never settle to be comfortable.

We need to trust in the end result.  Trust that it will be always be the best for you at that time.  If I believe I can have it, then that's my reality.

Dont let anyone change YOU.

Enjoy the journey in making all your dreams and goals a reality because the journey makes you who you are.

xxx lo